Random Thoughts

It went well. Thanks for your support

So I ended up speaking at the very first Missoula Ignite event. All in all it went very well. I was a little overdressed… a Hawaiian shirt would have been better. The room was super warm with all those people in there.

I was worried the audience would not be interested in my topic “how to create an effective Pay-Per-Click campaign”, but as I milled about with a “speaker” name tag on, people would ask about my topic, and when I answered, they would respond enthusiastically. So when I went up front, and was introduced, I felt pretty comfortable.

It went well, but I’ll tell ya, the 15 seconds per slide thing makes timing your words critical. I guess I was speaking faster than I rehearsed because several times I was done talking and still had time left.

Videos of all the speakers are now online at

Talking about Adwords was interesting to some I guess, It’s my passion, but I get it that it’s not going to save the planet.

Man oh man, some of the talks really blew me away.

  • Tim Greiser spoke about a project called that is the Worlds First Catalog of Biological Design Solutions. It was neat to see how we can take clues from millions of years of beta testing by Mother Earth to gain ideas to make our own world more efficient.
  • Geoff Badenoch gave me great insights into poetry, and made me regret I never got into it. His speech “Will young poets save the world”. Makes me want to introduce my kids to poetry.
  • Elke Govertsen of Mamalode, the Missoula Magazine for Moms have a fun talk titled,
    You say “mom-jeans” like it’s a bad thing…moms defy recession.
    How to harness the power.
  • A couple of personal trainers gave us some good tips on work out myths
  • We had a guy talk about how to steer a motorcycle, which as surprisingly interesting
  • Steven Sundheim introduced us to which is a platform that let’s private websites or communities have their own branded version of A local example of one in action is Squawk Missoula
  • and Karen Marsolek gave a well polished talk about re-connecting in person in this world of online communities. She must have been a theater major… her stage presence was excellent.

So all in all a great time. Check them all out at
