Random Thoughts

Annual Ranking Factors Report

Each year, I deeply review the Rankings Factors Report put out by David Mihm Web Design.

Well, it’s out again, and if you want to dive deeper into what’s working to help (or hurt) your website rankings, especially if you have a Local target market, check out the Ranking Factors Report.

This week we’re also suffering a lot of confusion in the Online local space with Google’s announcement of something called “Local” when you are in Google Plus. From what I can tell, they are just showing people Google Places type results inside Google Plus. It’s very different than a Google Places “Page” for Business, which can also be marked as “Local” under the category.

If you really want, you might want your business to have a Google Plus “Page”. and you might even want to set it up as a “local” type business…. but this isn’t the same as going to and claiming / editing your business info.

The Google Places listing is even more important now, as Google + is starting to show it.

Finally, I’m hearing rumblings of how Youtube terms of service don’t want businesses to post videos (like Ads) to Youtube… Yet Google Places encourages a business to link up to 5 YouTube videos in the account.  Will we stop seeing Videos in Search results? Will we see the “add a video” feature removed from Google Places?  I think it’s all too early to tell.

As I make any sense of it, I’ll post my thoughts on my here on my blog at