Local Search Marketing Random Thoughts

Facebook announces Graph Search

So Facebook just announced something called Graph Search.

See how Facebook describes it here:

Already there are tons of people weighing in on what it is, and if they like it.

I say it’s too early to tell, but if you run a business and are online (and I hope you are) this will be something to keep an eye on. I’ll try to help bring you just the basics so you don’t have to spend hours researching the next ‘new thing’.

While lots of people are less than impressed, AJ Kohn ( says Local Search is one of the better features. In my opinion, I’m always looking to USE facebook vs. being used by it… it can be a great marketing tool if used right, and Graph Search, like Google Places may become one of those Must Do activities to help you keep a competitive edge. AJ’s post about Graph Search and Local is here:

He shows an example of a search for “Restaurants Nearby”. I’m telling you. Businesses need to pay attention.

Scott Gallagher of Local Marketing Source also has thoughts, which he put into a short video on the topic.

Finally, Mike Elgen ( has his own take. He says, ” if you love Facebook, you’re going to love Graph Search. But if you hate Facebook — oh, boy, are you going to hate Graph Search. He points out some serious concerns about your privacy, and possible ways “bad people” will be able to use this new feature to do all sorts of nasty things.

His blog about it is here:

Since the only constant is change, here we go with another new thing to deal with as a local business. If you are trying to keep up, and sort out what you should or could be doing online, check out my special offer. I review your site, and then consult with you on how to get more qualified traffic to your site, and turn them into paying customers.
